Thursday, October 8, 2015

Rambutan Fruit seed's

Scientific classification 
Rambutan :
Division : Mognoliophyta
Class : Mognoliopsida
Order: Sapindales
Family: Sapindaceae
Genus : Nephelium
Species : N. lappaceum
Rambutan fruit seeds can be used as a cure diabetes . Based on the results of research conducted by nutritionists , Pram Pramono , that the methanol extract of the seed containing rambutan falvonoid and phenolic compounds . The methanol extract contains compounds that consist of 5 phenolics ( flavonoids ) and 1 instead phenolic flavonoids . Benefits of the methanol extract have hypoglycemic activity so potentially help patients with diabetes . 

Make Herbal medicine from the seeds Rambutan
  1.        Prepare 5 rambutan seeds of ripe fruit .
  2.        Separate the seeds from the fruit , then please cleared .
  3.        Furthermore, cut into small pieces and roasted with medium heat
  4.        After the color becomes golden brown , turn off the heat and then drain in a container , let it cool .
  5.        Furthermore rambutan blender or mashed beans that have been roasted until getting a soft texture and smoothness.
  6.        Tears rambutan seed powder with hot water , let the cold steeping and separated from the waste water .

Drink 1-3 times a day , 30 minutes before eating . If you are severe diabetes you can drinks rambutan seeds every day on a regular basis .
Or you can do olso :
1.       Cut up small seed before being dried in direct sunlight for two to three days until the color changed to yellow -black . 
2.       Then the seeds were ground into powder , dissolved in water and can be drunk . Should be consumed two to three times a day before meals 


Friday, September 18, 2015

Diabetes is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by abnormal metabolism, which
results most notably in hyperglycemia , due to defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both.
Diabetes is a serious chronic disease without a cure, and it is associated with significant morbidity and mortality.
 Diabetes is a serious disease associated with acute (due to hyperglycemia) and chronic (due to vascular damage) complications.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Differences between type-1 and type-2 Diabetes Mellitus

Differences between type-1 and type-2 Diabetes Mellitus

Type 1

Type 2

Young age
Normal BMI, not obese
No immediate family history
Short duration of symptoms (weeks)
Can present with diabetic coma (diabetic ketoacidosis)
Insulin required

Middle aged, elderly
Usually overweight/obese
Family history usual
Symptoms may be present for months/years
Do not present with diabetic coma
Insulin not necessarily required



Symptoms of new onset 
·        Polyurea
·        Polydipsia
·        Polyphagia
·        Weight loss
·        Fatigue




Loss of coordination
Mood confusion

Dry mouth
Ketoacidosis (shortness of breath)
Hyperosmolar  hyperglycemic non ketotic  syndrome(fever,confusion,